Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Gospel of Wealth - David Brooks

I was initially put on to David Brooks by my professor Frank Myers and have read most of the columns he has put out since the day I first read one in my junior year of college. David Brooks is truly the most gifted columnist in the world and his latest article is proof of this.

Maybe the first decade of the 21st century will come to be known as the great age of headroom. During those years, new houses had great rooms with 20-foot ceilings and entire new art forms had to be invented to fill the acres of empty overhead wall space.

People bought bulbous vehicles like Hummers and Suburbans. The rule was, The Smaller the Woman, the Bigger the Car — so you would see a 90-pound lady in tennis whites driving a 4-ton truck with enough headroom to allow her to drive with her doubles partner perched atop her shoulders.

When future archeologists dig up the remains of that epoch, they will likely conclude that sometime around 1996, the U.S. was afflicted by a plague of claustrophobia and drove itself bankrupt in search of relief.

Continue at NY Times

1 comment:

  1. I cannot agree with you about Brooks. He is quite conservative and pro business. He is often to willing to sacrifice the interest of the middle class and the poor to benefit the interests of the wealthy. Paul Krugman, who writes for the N.Y. Times is far more interesting to me. His predictions have been more accurate than those of Brooks. He said that the economic stimulus passed last year was too small. He was right. Krugman has one the Nobel prize for economics unlike Brooks who is a darling among conservatives. Krugman's blog is located here. http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/ Also read Thomas Friedman of the N.Y. Times.
